For as long as women have been present in institutions of higher education, they have been sexually assaulted and harassed. Virginia Tech, like other colleges and universities, has not been immune from the power of these larger cultural and sexual trends. This volume is an effort to explore how these historical dynamics played out at Virginia Tech. The result is a collection of original essays authored by Virginia Tech undergraduate or graduate students that chart how Virginia Tech students have navigated a challenging sexual climate and culture from the mid-1960s onward.
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Challenging Stories explores experiences of demanding health conditions and attitudes in response to them, across historical and contemporary contexts. This collection of original scholarship brings an interdisciplinary perspective to topics such as maternal health, care for aging adults, births by midwives, family planning, infectious disease outbreaks, biosafety health protocols, blood transfusions, and plant-based health practices. The case studies explored in each chapter contribute to a deeper and richer understanding of how challenging stories are embedded in an appreciation of community and individual health.
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The first edition of this book was published in 1997, at the time of Virginia Tech’s 125th anniversary. Wallenstein, a professor of history at Virginia Tech, situates the story of Virginia Tech firmly in the context of both American history and Virginia’s checkered history of higher education. One reviewer wrote that the book “may well be the most un-parochial history of a college or university that has ever been written.” The new edition features a lengthy new preface as well as other changes in text and images throughout. The book will interest historians, educators, students, and just about anyone who wants to know more about the history of higher education in America.
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