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  • Foreign and Domestic Influences in the War in Yemen

    Adam Baron

    Part of the PWP Conflict Studies series.

    The civil war in Yemen is less a single war than a mosaic of interlinked conflicts. Although the conflict is often framed as a proxy war between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, Yemeni actors tend to follow their own internal logic. This paper examines how international agendas intersect with Yemeni agendas and the impact this has on war and peace. It focuses on both Iranian-aligned groups, such as the Houthis, and the various groups that have entered into alliance with Saudi Arabia and the UAE, such as the Hadi government, various Salafi-inspired groups, and southern separatists.

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    How to cite this book
    Baron, A. 2019. Foreign and Domestic Influences in the War in Yemen. Blacksburg: Virginia Tech Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21061/proxy-wars-baron
    Baron, A., 2019. Foreign and Domestic Influences in the War in Yemen. Blacksburg: Virginia Tech Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21061/proxy-wars-baron
    Baron, A. Foreign and Domestic Influences in the War in Yemen. Virginia Tech Publishing, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21061/proxy-wars-baron
    Baron, A. (2019). Foreign and Domestic Influences in the War in Yemen. Blacksburg: Virginia Tech Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21061/proxy-wars-baron
    Baron, Adam. 2019. Foreign and Domestic Influences in the War in Yemen. Blacksburg: Virginia Tech Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21061/proxy-wars-baron

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    Published on July 23, 2019






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